
Hi! I'm Shubham

I am a second-Year undergraduate pursuing Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
I am currently working as a Campus Ambassador at GeeksForGeeks and as a Mentor at SWOC'23.

Checkout my resume
Contact me here!

Email: shubhamsingh.exe@gmail.com

Phone: +(91) 7044771222

What i know

My Skills










Checkout a few of my works

Web Application

OverCast - Weather App

OverCast is a weather application that can accurately offer local weather details for a particular place. OverCast employs a weather API to fetch weather data. It can retrieve and show weather information such as temperature, cloud cover, and sunrise and sunset times.

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Web Application

Rock Paper Scissors game

We have all played Rock, Paper, Scissors with our friends and siblings in our childhood, may it be for choosing who will bat first in a cricket match or to check who will tidy up the room. Rock Paper Scissors was one game we all loved to play. Now with the help of JavaScript we can play the same Rock, Paper, Scissors with our computer.

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Python Project

Hydrate - Water Reminder

Hydrate is a simple Python Program that will help you reach your daily water consumption goal. The application sends notifications after a fixed interval to encourage the user to take a break and drink up, also generates a random water fact along with the reminder notification.

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Coding Stats

Some honourable mentions

GitHub Issues worked on 0
GitHub Contributions 0
Lines of code written 0